IITK (PG) Days

Sunday, March 12, 2006

The First Few Days

The predominant feeling after getting into IITK Ph.D. was of relief. I was finally out of the unemployment trap. The scholarship was small, but it felt like kings ransom at that point of time and it was a great feeling that I would not be taking money from my parents anymore.

I think for one year at least I remained in awe of that place, frequently I would think, “Wow, this is IIT Kanpur!” It is another matter that the feeling later changed to, “Oh God Is this all to IIT Kanpur? But after working at other “academic” institutions, once again I feel, well, there is a lot to the IIT system.

Two things you learn very fast at this place. One is the presence of the swear words, feels better if I say gali, in Hindi and of the worst kind that keep flying in the normal conversations among guys, and I feel part of it to show off or shock if a girl is passing by.

Two, there are very few girls on the campus (must be changing slowly?) and you constantly have a feeling of being watched, and you have to learn to live with it. I later developed a philosophy that even if I do nothing, people will discuss my behavior, so why not go ahead and do whatever I please?

Three, that post graduate students are the lesser mortals and the under graduate students Einstein.


At 3/16/2006 05:17:00 PM, Blogger vandy said...

Three, that post graduate students are the lesser ....:-)
Those lil Einsteins are only 17 yr olds and cracked JEE,they think rest of the world is... lesser mortal.
My observation,I posted sometimes back:


At 3/18/2006 02:44:00 AM, Blogger ?! said...

: )

At 3/19/2006 11:49:00 AM, Blogger Mridula said...

JB, in many places the ratio is better but not at this place.

Vandy, if it were only the kids who thought that way ...

?! thanksfor stopping by.

At 7/19/2006 05:03:00 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Well, the ratio still hasn't changed :-)

JB took the other meaning!

At 10/24/2006 01:47:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh Lady.. This is too amazing, IIT & a phd.. I would read rest of your post on your IIT experience which you have posted in the first quarter of this year! I would be so intersted to know what all it means to be an IITians, have read a lot but hearing from horse's mouth is special I would say. Honestly by the time I discovered about this IIT, I was already in my class 12. That was way back in nineties... Anyway, no worries, rest of the life is there & I shall see sometime if I can see this place called IIT. I visted Delhi recently on work I was aweing on those sign boards which said IIT Delhi.. Its feels so great its like an IAS for an adminstrator oriented folks.. Just to look up to...

At 8/18/2007 02:50:00 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

hmmm...good post...all the 3 points are true as far as i have observed this place...all are absolutely true.


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